PRESENTATION Carry an empty jug with one hand on the handle and the other hand under the lip of the jug for balance. Carry jug level, at waist height to table. Place on the table quietly.
POINTS OF INTEREST Carrying at waist level.
Point of Consciousness Arrived At Through Experience:
· If I keep my left hand under the jug, it helps to keep it balanced
Variations on the exercise:
· The size and shape of the jug
Tazamach Homeschooling Academy is A Premier Source Of Educational Resources For Blacks, Hispanics, and Indigenous Families. Our main purpose is to support you, the parent, and your child (ren). Homeschooling is so much more than just reading and writing. It is about nurturing and developing the whole child. The whole person. The whole family. We are here to help you and your family with your academics, your mental health, your tips on how to provide for your family. We are dedicated to building up our community and watching it flourish.
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